Peoria, Ill.,
08:13 AM

Health Highlights: ADHD in adults + seasonal allergies

When it starts to warm up, so does the concern for allergies. 

Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, is a common condition in kids, says Luis Garcia, MD, a pediatrician with OSF HealthCare.

It causes swelling inside your nose and is triggered by breathing in things like dust, pollen and bacteria. 

The first line of treatment is to avoid triggers. Keep your home clean with doors and windows. If you know a dry, dusty day is coming, stay inside. 

Other treatments include flushing your nose with salt water and taking antihistamine medication. 

Left untreated, allergies can cause infections, sleep issues and other more serious issues.

“We function as a whole. We always try to separate ourselves into different organs, and that’s simply not true. When one part of us is not working well, there is always something else affected," Dr. Garcia says. 

If you spend time on social media, chances are you've seen an ad asking “Do you have ADHD?”

The ads lead to a self-diagnosing quiz which often provides misconceptions about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, before someone ever sees a medical professional.

Kyle Boerke, PsyD, says your first step if you think you have ADHD is to speak with a medical provider who can help map out a path forward.

“Are adults being diagnosed with ADHD? Absolutely, yes. Is it that they are developing ADHD in adulthood, that’s a no," Dr. Boerke says. "We know enough about the research, that in order to receive a diagnosis of ADHD, we have to have symptoms starting in childhood. Somewhere near 7 years of age.”

If you're having symptoms as an adult that appear to be ADHD, such as a lack of focus, inability to sit still, fidgeting or excessive talking, but you didn't have these symptoms as a child, Dr. Boerke says you may be experiencing something else like depression.

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