Rockford, IL,
14:59 PM

Saint Anthony Nursing Program Ranked 5th in Illinois

National testing program says college one of the best at preparing students

While very rewarding, a career in nursing can be one of the most demanding and rigorous when it comes to learning and training.

That’s what makes Saint Anthony College of Nursing’s most recent ranking from the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) most satisfying. NCLEX is a standardized exam that each state board of nursing uses to determine the preparation of a candidate for entry-level nursing practice.

In 2017, 99 percent of Saint Anthony BSN graduates passed, compared to the Illinois state pass rate of 86 percent and a national pass rate of 87 percent.

According to, that ranks the Saint Anthony College of Nursing fifth in the state of Illinois. (

“Since 2010 we have been above the 90-percent pass rate,” says Beth Carson, Dean of Undergraduate Affairs at Saint Anthony College of Nursing. “And we, just for the past few years, we’ve been very high and we’ve actually been well above the state and national pass rate, as well.”

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Carson says the NCLEX ranking is a measurement many student and their parents will use when choosing a nursing school. She also says it’s a testament to the faculty at the college.

“We are tough, absolutely,” says Carson. “But, most people who go through nursing school – I’ve never heard anybody tell me it was particularly easy. But, we have to make sure when we graduate that student that they are ready to be a safe practitioner out there. Really, public safety rests on the shoulder of the faculty. So, we take it very seriously.”

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Carson says the Saint Anthony faculty is also flexible and adaptable. That, while they have a lot of teaching experience, they incorporate the latest techniques and technology to meet students needs.

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